Church Huddle

Please join us in person following the 10:30 am service on March 19th.

All StoneBridge members are encouraged to attend.


1.   Opening prayer - Pastor Jason

2.   Quorum confirmation – Tara and Dan

3.   Financial report as of February 22nd, 2023

o   Primary Checking $39,846.94
(Liabilities, restricted funds, plus $10,000)

o   Business IDA Savings $52,702.48
(3 months expenses minus $10,000)

o   Money Rate Savings $565.90

o   Church Planting Savings $56,304.64

4.   Pastor Roy church Plant status- Pastor Jason

5.   Vote in 2 new members of finance team:

Jared Knight and Wendy Shipley per recommendation of finance team. 

·       Proposed six-month budget

·       Upcoming Huddle-  September 17th, 2023


Closing Prayer
