
Easter Sunday

Sunday, April 20, 2025


Easter Sunday

Sunday, April 20, 2025

Two Opportunities to join us


This service will not have childcare, so your kids will be in service with you.


Join us at our regular time and drop your kids off at KidsBridge, for newborns thru 4th grade.



Welcome to StoneBridge

Let’s Go Up - 2025 Theme

Welcome to StoneBridge

Let’s Go Up - 2025 Theme

Sermon Series: King Me!

In this four week series we will examine the lives of the kings in the Bible that allowed God to use them in spite of the trials and issues that they all experienced. Remember, you may not be anointed as a king, but if you are a follower of Jesus Christ, then, you are a part of the Royal Bloodline!

We look forward to seeing you at StoneBridge!

Join us at StoneBridge Baptist Church - Morgantown for this message!


Join us on Facebook and YouTube LIVE
on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. EST!

Current Sermon Series

King Me

We have one service on our campus this week: 10:00 a. m. and our live stream service begins at 10:00 a.m. on Facebook and YouTube.

Currently available each Sunday online.

To check out previous Sunday Sermons, please click the YouTube icon below or navigate to https://www.youtube.com/c/StoneBridgeBaptistChurch


New Here?

Find out more about our what Sunday mornings are like, our beliefs, values, and our really good looking staff.

Small Groups

What does it look like to learn about Jesus, serve your community, and live generously together with others? It looks a lot like our small groups.


We have a kid’s experience that values safety, care, and purposeful fun!


Sunday Morning

We meet every Sunday at 10 a.m.

Sunday Morning

We meet every Sunday at 10 a.m.


During a typical service at StoneBridge, the band and singers will open with music and after a couple of songs we will welcome you and fill you in on what’s going on. During the message, we use slides to help you follow along. Following the message, the band returns for one more song to tie it all together.

Most people consider our music to be relevant to today’s society. Whether it’s an upbeat praise song or a meaningful hymn, we strategically choose music with a message. If you don’t know the music, or if you don’t feel like singing, that’s okay. God’s desire, though, is that we worship Him with everything that is within us. The Bible says, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” We hope you’ll join us and see first hand.



Safe, fun, and secure.


Safe, fun, and secure.


The next generation is important to us at StoneBridge. We have a children’s experience that places a high value on safety, care, and purposeful fun! Our volunteers have designed a relevant encounter around biblical curriculum to challenge and inspire kids. Our team is dedicated to making your experience the best it can be for your whole family.

KidsBridge is designed for kids ages newborn thru 4th grade.

To make your Sunday a little easier, here is a list of how the classes break down by age and grade.

Pebbles (Nursery) Newborn up to 2 year old

Stones (Pre-K - K): 2 year olds -Kindergarten

Boulders: 1st – 4th grade

5th - 8th grade (During the 10 a.m. service)